You will either be studying Combined Trilogy Science which gives you two Science GCSE grades or Physics along with Biology and Chemistry giving you three Science GCSE grades. M Δ Gravitational Potential Energy EP ΔEP Mass kg gravitational field strength.
This is a list of the equations which you might need to use for your GCSE Physics Exam.

Physics equations gcse triple. Spring constant x extension2 𝑒 1 2 change in thermal energy mass. The momentum p for a mass m and a velocity v M o m e n t u m m a s s. Click card to see definition.
These are higher tier as I dont have any triple foundation students but they are easily adaptable. This is higher than in the chemistry exams 20 maths marks and biology exams 10 maths marks. Electricity Equations to Learn charge flow current.
There are 23 equations you will need to know for GCSE physics. Physics Equations Sheet GCSE Physics 8463 1 pressure due to a column of liquid height of column. 01112016 Work Done J Force N.
At the bottom of the page there are links to equations which the different examination boards have used in the past. Bf text textbf Momentum text textbf masstimestext textbf velocity Momentum mass. Work done force.
Distance Metres Weight N Weight N Mass kg Gravity Nkg Δ in an objects PE. Force applied to a spring spring constant. Pmtimes v p m.
Weight mass. All checklists are now complete. These links will take you to a page which you can print if you want to so that you can revise these equations.
This is higher than in the chemistry exams 20 maths marks and biology exams 10 maths marks. These grades are the stepping stone to your future. M v2 3 P1 gravitational potential energy mass x gravitational field strength g x height E p m g h 4 P1 power energy transferred time P E t.
P m. Word equation and symbol equation for weight. For the GCSE physics exams 30 of the marks require some use of maths skills.
Tap card to see definition. This means that if you know these equations and how to use them thats 30 of the marks that you can get by just doing a bit of maths without understanding much physics. V e l o c i t y.
I want to help you achieve the grades you and I know you are capable of. Some questions in the exam will require you to recall and apply equations you have learned in class. For the GCSE physics exams 30 of the marks require some use of maths skills.
Fantastic pupil led worksheets and activities includes all physics equations engaging tasks where pupils need to guess the units and the word equation when given the symbol equation for each formula for aqa combined trilogy combined synergy and physics only triple science higher tier and triple science equations. 01062018 Aqa Gcse Physics Equation Sheet 2018 Triple Insert for gcse physics 8463e1 6. Specific heat capacity.
Gravitational field strength g p h ρ g 2fi nal velocity 2 initial velocity 2 acceleration distance v2 u2 2 a s 3 force change in momentum time taken F. Weight mass x gravitational field strength. Density of liquid.
AQA GCSE Physics Paper 1 P1 to P7 Equations Recall may be required 1 P1 work done force x distance along the line of action of the force W F s 2 P1 kinetic energy 05 x mass x speed2 E k. Along the line of action of the force W F s. Other questions will ask you to use the Physics Equation Sheet.
22022018 New checklists for AQA GCSE Triple Physics 9-1. Gravitational field strength g W m g. Even if you dont want to stud.
Average speed x time change in velocity distance travelled acceleration E AGPEmxgxAh EQxv V1xR P1xV P 12xR F. There are 23 equations you will need to know for GCSE physics. Temperature change 𝛥 𝛥𝜃 Unit 2.
Physics Equations to Learn If youre taking GCSE 91 Combined Science or GCSE 91 Physics you need to know these equations. This means that if you know these equations and how to use them thats 30 of the marks that. GCSE Physics Equations Triple STUDY.
Click on the link for more information. 28012018 Can you name the Physics paper 1 equations for GCSE Triple. Time 𝐼 potential difference current.
Equations given in the exam 05. Test your knowledge on this science quiz and compare your score to others. Change inan objects gravitational potential energy Δ in an objects PE Weight N.
Fmtimes a F m a. The students wanted the equations on there that they had to learn along with the keywords all in one place.
Spreadsheet To Monitor Aqa Gcse Science Required Practicals Gcse Science Physics Aqa
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